With every new discovery, the theory of an infinite universe becomes more relevant and dominant. The JWST has detected bodies in space which they named dark stars. In my books Survival the Ultimate mission, I have posited that the infinite universe is composed of an infinite number of dark and luminous micro universes we call galaxies.
Having these dark stars proves that dark galaxies do exist. Although I would call the newly found celestial objects fluffy clouds or planets as they are made of something that is totally different than any particles or sub-particles known to us.
The reason these fluffy clouds do not turn into bright stars is obvious. Dark galaxies are made of mysterious waves which in my previous analysis I called creative thoughts or entropies. They do not physically or chemically interact with each other. After all they are thoughts or information entropies.
This discovery is important for another reason. It proves that the absence of any particles or sub-particles in the dark universe can only be possible if this universe is infinite and lacks a center of gravity. This is the reason the infinite universe has no gravity. Simply put, there is no center of gravity for any particles or sub-particles to coalesce. The conclusion here is that the universe is infinite and the fact that it has no particles or sub-particles proves this theory.
 One may challenge this theory by saying that the infinite universe may not have a center of gravity, however, even dark galaxies have a center of gravity which seems to contradict my theories about the absence of particles. Before I provide an answer, let me go back to my theories that explain why stars and heavenly objects do not fall toward the center of galaxies.
You see, when it comes to galaxies or micro universes, there are always three forces involved. The centrifugal force, the gravitational force, and the antigravitational force. This is how they come together and interact with each other to keep the galaxies alive and subsequently the universe.
Due to the absence of a center of gravity in the infinite universe, galaxies are always flying away in all directions. I compared them to objects falling into a bottomless well, in which case the well would have no top or bottom. In a way it is this infinite universal gravity that acts as a force of anti-gravity that keeps galaxies on the move. The reason I came up with this equation: infinite universal gravity=infinite universal anti-gravity.
 As this antigravitational force propels galaxies to shoot like rockets in infinite space, it gives birth to the centrifugal force. And this is the force that eliminates the gravitational force of the galaxies. And this is why stars and objects defy gravity and stay in orbit instead of falling inward to the center of the galaxy. It is a phenomenon similar to a biker riding the wall of death. Again, check the cover on volume one.
With dark galaxies, we only see a fluffy cloud at the center. Why? Because at the center of any galaxy, be it dark or luminous, there is no centrifugal force. But even with a cloud forming at the center of a dark galaxy, there is not enough gravity to turn this cloud into a star. Let alone, turn any entropy into a particle. It is for this reason dark galaxies are composed of entropies and remain as such until other major cosmic events occur. Something, I explained in my books.
Before I end this appendix. I must refute the assumptions provided by the cosmic explosion theory to explain why galaxies are always on the move and may give the impression that the universe is expanding.
First of all, if this was the case, how can these galaxies maintain their speed. We all know that after an explosion, debris and shrapnel do not blow away at the same speed. Furthermore, they also start to slow down if not come to a complete stop since the energy that propelled them is finite. And once they settle down, they eventually fall back to their previous form. This is all based on simple scientific facts.
This is not the case with galaxies. Definitely, galaxies are on the move because of this infinite universal gravitational force that acts as an infinite antigravitational force that propels them to shoot in all directions and at a constant speed.
Another thing, if one was to believe in the cosmic expansion theory, how come we observe galaxies that are colliding and merging with one another, whereas according to the big bang theory, they should all be speeding away from each other and expand in space. Only in an infinite universe which is void of a center of gravity can galaxies or cosmic bubbles or zones fly in all directions.
Only in this environment is it possible to have galaxies colliding with each other and in some cases form cosmic clusters. It is this cluster’s unimaginable gravitational force that compels other smaller galaxies to orbit around this huge cosmic formation. And now, in addition to having galaxies shooting in all directions, we have some of them congregating into clusters and others orbiting around the clusters in circles. All due to the fact that the infinite universe as a whole has no center of gravity.
This reality can only be explained by what the anti-gravitational force introduced in my books. So, forget about all the old theories and start looking at the new ones I provide. The idea of an expanding universe is flawed, so is the notion that it is contracting. Again, let me underscore my point, the universe cannot be expanding and contracting at the same time.
The reason you do not find my views broadcasted, discussed, or promoted is simple. The media and the public are accustomed to having experts and academics introduce scientific theories and equations. This is not the case in my experience.
I am only an accidental scientist who is introducing ideas and theories that are based on the simplest form of physics and science. Academics and scientists missed the point because traditional science is void of any imagination or creativity. From what one can deduce; it takes imagination and creativity to figure out how the cosmic forces come together and interact with each other.
The challenge I face as a humble grocer has to do with big egos. Academics and scientists are accustomed to telling the general public how the universe works. In my case it is the other way around. One day, brave and honest scientists will come forward and prove my theories to be correct.